Capstone Piece – Year 1

This year was both one of my best years but also one of my worst. I had a great time in college. I ended up doing well in my classes, made great friends, got into a research lab!!, and enter college life. But this year also had its setbacks. For starters, we are in a pandemic which forced us to have more precautions that limited students from experiencing their college life. There were fewer events, fewer in-person classes, and fewer opportunities to meet new people and places. We were also separated for a long time from going places like home due to restrictions. But I, like millions in the country, adapted to this new life and made the best of it. And I can say that I did make the best of it. My friends and I found new ways to interact with each other and I had a great time in the in-person classes I had. And in this year I grew professionally as well. A professor allowed me to enter her research laboratory which is where I will be working during the summer. This was one of my goals since the start of the fall semester and I was so happy when I achieved it. I made more network connections, met amazing professors, and joined numerous professional organizations on campus. And I believe I have solidified my choice of a major which was another goal I set up in my letter to myself earlier this year. After taking the general chemistry classes, talking to students and professors, and doing my own research, I have concluded that the best major for me is chemistry. I absolutely fell in love with it and with the department here at Wesleyan. Although this choice is subjected to change, I think for now it works for me. Hopefully, it sticks!! Finally, this year was where I was an extrovert which is very surprising. But overall, this year was amazing and I can’t wait for my next three years at Wesleyan.
