Letter to Self – Year 1

Dear Michael,

You are probably reading this at the end of your summer in your freshman year which is very exciting!! During this first year and all the way to the summer, I have many goals that I want to accomplish. Hopefully, by that time, I would like to know which major to focus on. Right now, chemistry, and molecular biology and biochemistry seem like good contenders but by the end of the summer, you should have a better understanding. Right now, you like chemistry because you genuinely enjoy doing the homework and the tests. You have fun on it. With MB&B, you don’t really have an understanding of it because you haven’t taken biology yet but the idea of mixing chemistry with biology is amazing. Another goal is to join a research lab here on campus either for the spring/fall semester or for the summer. Try to join a chemistry lab but it would also be good to join an MB&B lab in order to learn more about the subject. In addition, another goal is to finish your year strong: with good grades, and a greater understanding of how life works at Wesleyan. Join as many clubs as you can and also make long-lasting friendships that are worth it. And definitely explore other majors, including the humanities and social sciences. You never know if you want to switch areas of study. And finally, by the end of the summer try to cement your decision to be pre-med here at Wesleyan or if you maybe want to find another area of study to focus on. Hopefully, you achieve these goals by the end of this summer!!


You from the past
